"tiffany lamp" iPad Art by Ako Lamble

“Tiffany Lamp” created with iPad and Procreate App by Ako Lamble

Ako LambleWritten by Ako Lamble

Hi Everyone,
Today, I would like to talk about the subject to draw/paint with iPad, “The lights”. I came to realise that drawing the lights with iPad gives much more pleasure to my eyes than drawing it on a paper. One of the reasons is quite simple, you are drawing the lights on the backlit canvas (iPad), so literally it will illuminate once you put the colour on it. It’s more magical than you think.
If you have an iPad and any drawing/painting apps, try putting any bright colour on the dark background, I tell you it would look great. See the following iPad Arts for an example.

iPad Art by Ako Lamble

“Tealight” created with iPad and Procreate App by Ako Lamble

iPad Art by Hannah Klupiec

“Candle light” created with iPad and Procreate App by Hannah Klupiec

The painting of flowers (below) is nothing to do with the light, however doesn’t it glow beautifully?

iPad Art by Erika Dollission

“Flowers” created with iPad and Brushes App by Erika Dollission

The painting of pear (below) had been made by using one of the techniques I introduced in my iPad Art Wrokshops. It gives a wood cut print / stencil / stained glass look. Erika who’d never done the digital painting before created this particular piece on the first day of the workshop, it really amazed me.

iPad Art by Erika Dollission

“Pear” created with iPad and Brushes App by Erika Dollission

"Lamp" iPhone/iPad Art by David Hockney

“Lamp” created with iPad and Brushes App by David Hockney

"Sunlight Filtering Through The Clouds" iPad Art by Ako Lamble

“Sunlight Filtering Through The Clouds” created with iPad and Artrage App by Ako Lamble

"Where on earth are you, Hunter?"

“Where on earth are you, Hunter?” created with iPad and Procreate App by Ako Lamble

If you are interested in iPad Art and have 9 more minutes to spend, I highly recommend you to watch one of the tutorial videos (below) made by the Norwegian Artist, Nikolai Lockertsen who creates amazingly detailed iPad Art. He recently uses Procreate app a lot which became my most favourite app as well, if you buy the Procreate app it comes with his painting (below) as an exapmle art work. As you see, he uses the lighting so effectively in his paintings which I deeply admire.
It is so inspiring to see how he created the car head light (around the point of 4’50”) in the video.


Procreate Tutorial - Winter Volvo

iPad Art “Procreate Tutorial WinterVolvo” by Nikolai Lockertsen


Weekly Classes for iPad Art (for All Levels)

10am – 12pm TUESDAY
1pm – 3pm TUESDAY
$330 for Term (10wks) / $35 for Casual

From Term2, we will start the weekly classes for iPad Art. Once you decided to start drawing with your iPad, we believe that you might have many questions to be answered and need instructions on a weekly bases, so come to the class with your well-charged-iPad, have fun and make your iPad a powerful art tool which you won’t want to be without!

Suitable for;

  • Someone who knows how to draw but has never done digital art before.
  • Someone (may be a busy mum) who can’t be bothered to carry all those art materials back and forth to attend the art class.
  • Someone who has limited energy but would like to do something creative.
  • Someone who has ideas and wants to make their own picture book.
  • Someone who got an iPad but doesn’t know what to do with it other than checking emails/browsing websites.

Go to iPad Art Weekly Class Page >>