“A sense of achievement, friendship, a good laugh, interesting talks, and above all a passion for art.”

Erika Dollission

Name: Erica Dollission
Occupation: Barrister and Solicitor (retired)
Joined NSA since: September 2008

NSA: What doodle / drawing / painting did you do in your early life that you were the most proud of? How old were you?

ERIKA: Never doodled.

NSA: Have you been always artistic / creative? if so, in what way?

ERIKA: Yes though I painted with words- published poet and writer.

NSA: What made you join NSA? Where did you hear/find about NSA?

ERIKA: My daughter bought me some lessons because I always noted the flower pots at spit junction and I wondered what it would be like.


NSA: If you are allowed to have any famous painting in the world on your wall, what would it be and Why?

ERIKA: Mona Lisa I like her half smile.

Mona Lisa by Leonardo Da Vinci

NSA: What are you working on in the class right now and what would you like to achieve with your art within a year?

ERIKA: Still life I have called “Message in a Bottle” for fun. I continue to strive to be better . there are so many things that Mike shows us to make the painting that much better. It fascinates me.

"Message in a Bottle" Oil painting by Erika Dollission
“Message in a Bottle”

NSA: why do you take the class, or what do you get out of it?

ERIKA: There are a lot of things one gets out of the classes. A sense of achievement friendship, a good laugh, interesting talks, and above all a passion for art.

NSA: Finally, would you design a T-shirt for Mike to wear in the class?


Mike said “Erika encompasses my whole reason for teaching, we all like to be proved right in her case she proves to all those who have said to me over the years they can’t draw and never will be able to, when I have said ‘ its a skill anyone can learn, its an urban myth its a talent you are born with.
Thank you Erika! she was your quintessential ‘rocket scientist’ so to speak as left brained dominant as anybody I have ever had the privilege to teach, my mantra to all my students is practice, practice what you have learned the results speak for themselves a wonderful attitude a great example to us all.”

Ako Lamble

Ako said “I admire Erika’s deligent attitudes towards her art. The other day she showed me her sketchbook(see images below) – she’s developed great habits drawing from the pictures in newspapers/magazines (you can often find the interesting shots in newspaper, can’t you?) It was well organized, she pasted the cut-out photos on one side and her drawings on the other side. Of course it always good to draw from life but she does it adding to the life drawing, oh boy, she IS a hard worker. ”


Would you like to improve your art skills hugely and set your mind focusing to achive your goal? If you are serious about your art, we highly recommend you join more than one class a week like Erika. Particularly Life Drawing (Mon 7-9pm) is almost a MUST for every artist.
For example, Erika Joins;

  • Draw & Paint – Monday 12-3pm
  • Life drawing – Monday 7-9pm
  • Draw & Paint – Wednesday 12-3pm
  • Draw & Paint – Friday 9.30am-12.30pm

As you see Erika’s improvement is not a luck, it’s a fruit of hardwork.

Please feel free to ask us if you have any questions about taking more than one class a week. Email: info[at]art-art.com.au / Phone: +61 (0)2 9968 1233 / Download Enrolment form