Mike's Sketching trip

Mike often goes out for sketching.

mike lamble henryWritten by Mike Lamble

As most of you know from my talks at the school I love to get out of Sydney and draw at the weekends and in the holidays when I can.
Thanks to Ako who has inspired me, watching her practice watercolour most of last year I decided to go back to watercolour painting out of doors, something I haven’t done since my student days, I had forgotten how wonderful this was.
This has generated interest from some of my students who will join me from time to time.
I hope the pictures tell the rest of the story with more to follow throughout the year.

Mike's Sketching trip

Mike's Sketching trip

Mike's Sketching trip

Mike's Sketching trip

Mike's Sketching trip

Mike's Sketching trip

Lunch break.

Strong wind is the chief enemy of sketching ouside.